template<std::size_t ND> |
boost::multi_array< ndArrayValue, ND >::index | getIndex (const boost::multi_array< ndArrayValue, ND > &m, const ndArrayValue *requestedElement, const unsigned short int direction) |
| Gets the index of one element in a multi_array in one axis.
template<std::size_t ND> |
boost::array< typename boost::multi_array< ndArrayValue, ND >::index, ND > | getIndexArray (const boost::multi_array< ndArrayValue, ND > &m, const ndArrayValue *requestedElement) |
| Gets the index of one element in a multi_array.
template<typename Array , typename Element , typename Functor > |
void | for_each (const boost::type< Element > &type_dispatch, Array A, Functor &xform) |
template<typename Element , typename Functor > |
void | for_each (const boost::type< Element > &, Element &Val, Functor &xform) |
| Function to apply a function to all elements of a multi_array.
template<typename Element , typename Iterator , typename Functor > |
void | for_each (const boost::type< Element > &type_dispatch, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Functor &xform) |
| Function to apply a function to all elements of a multi_array.
template<typename Array , typename Functor > |
void | for_each (Array &A, Functor xform) |
template<typename T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_floating_point<T> |
::value constexpr std::vector< boost::multi_array< T, ND > > | gradient (boost::multi_array< T, ND > inArray, std::initializer_list< T > args) |
boost::multi_array< double, 1 > | linspace (double start, double stop, long unsigned int num) |
| Implements the numpy linspace function.
template<typename T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr std::vector< boost::multi_array< T, ND > > | meshgrid (const boost::multi_array< T, 1 >(&cinput)[ND], bool sparsing=false, indexing indexing_type=xy) |
template<class T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | element_wise_apply (const boost::multi_array< T, ND > &input_array, std::function< T(T)> func) |
| Creates a new array and fills it with the values of the result of the function called on the input array element-wise.
template<class T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | sqrt (const boost::multi_array< T, ND > &input_array) |
| Implements the numpy sqrt function on multi arrays.
template<class T >
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | sqrt (const T input) |
| Implements the numpy sqrt function on scalars.
template<class T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | exp (const boost::multi_array< T, ND > &input_array) |
| Implements the numpy exp function on multi arrays.
template<class T >
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | exp (const T input) |
| Implements the numpy exp function on scalars.
template<class T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | log (const boost::multi_array< T, ND > &input_array) |
| Implements the numpy log function on multi arrays.
template<class T >
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | log (const T input) |
| Implements the numpy log function on scalars.
template<class T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | pow (const boost::multi_array< T, ND > &input_array, const T exponent) |
| Implements the numpy pow function on multi arrays.
template<class T >
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | pow (const T input, const T exponent) |
| Implements the numpy pow function on scalars.
template<class T , long unsigned int ND> |
constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | element_wise_duo_apply (boost::multi_array< T, ND > const &lhs, boost::multi_array< T, ND > const &rhs, std::function< T(T, T)> func) |
template<typename T , typename inT , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_integral<inT> |
::value &&std::is_arithmetic< T >::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND > | zeros (inT(&dimensions_input)[ND]) |
| Implements the numpy zeros function for an n-dimensionl multi array.
template<typename T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | max (boost::multi_array< T, ND > const &input_array) |
| Implements the numpy max function for an n-dimensionl multi array.
template<class T , class... Ts, class = std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<T, Ts> && ...)>>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | max (T input1, Ts... inputs) |
| Implements the numpy max function for an variadic number of arguments.
template<typename T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | min (boost::multi_array< T, ND > const &input_array) |
| Implements the numpy min function for an n-dimensionl multi array.
template<class T , class... Ts, class = std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<T, Ts> && ...)>>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
constexpr T | min (T input1, Ts... inputs) |
| Implements the numpy min function for an variadic number of arguments.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr T | abs (T input) |
| Implements the numpy abs function for a scalar.
template<typename T , long unsigned int ND>
requires std::is_arithmetic<T> |
::value constexpr boost::multi_array< T, ND - 1 > | slice (boost::multi_array< T, ND > const &input_array, std::size_t slice_index) |
| Slices the array through one dimension and returns a ND - 1 dimensional array.
matplot::vector_2d | convert_to_matplot (const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &arr) |
| Convert a 2D boost::multi_array to a matplot::vector_2d.